Monday, October 22, 2007

Journal #3

Notorious was produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It is about a woman named Alicia (Ingrid Bergman) who meets a man named Devlin (Gary Grant) and she must trap a nazi who because of how her father was one himself. The script was originally written by Ben Hecht. Ted Tetzlaff was responsible for cinematography, and he is most known for his work in this movie, especially how he focuses in on certain objects to show importance. The person responsible for creating the set was Claude Carpenter, who made the sets simple and to the point. Constantine Bakaleinikoff was in charge of the music, which was very elaborate and included an orchestra. The music helped to add to the suspense, although the suspense was very limited compared to what I was expecting. Hitchcock's trademark is how he creates suspense. Although I thought there was very limited suspense, the scene where Alicia gets poisoned best shows how he uses suspense. They focus in on her coffee cup and then you can see her sort of daze off. Gary Grant plays the U.S. agent in the movie, and he was chosen for the part probably because of his popularity. He's similar to George Clooney today, who gets many major roles obviously. Ingrid Bergman was chosen because of her good looks and the way that she carries herself. From watching the film, I can tell that these characters were chosen for the reasons I just stated, because Gary Grant is smooth like a George Clooney, and Ingrid Bergman is beautiful. When the movie was first released, the general public loved it, mostly because of the "suspense" that was so unbearable for the time it was released.

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